
What Is Wrong, 62 Yr.old Always Asking Church For Money, Never Has Place To Sleep, Can't Hold A Job

Dementia concept"Doctor, practise you diagnose dementia? Considering I demand someone who can diagnose dementia."

A human asked me this question recently. He explained that his 86 year-quondam father, who lived in the Bay Area, had recently been widowed. Since then the father had sold his long-time home rather quickly, and was hardly returning his son's calls.

The son wanted to know if I could brand a housecall. Specifically, he wanted to know if his father has dementia, such as Alzheimer's disease.

This is a reasonable business concern to take, given the circumstances.

However, it'south not very probable that I — or any clinician — will exist able to definitely diagnose dementia based a single in-person visit.

But I get this kind of request fairly frequently. So in this mail I desire to share what I frequently find myself explaining to families: the basics of clinical dementia diagnosis, what kind of data I'll need to obtain, and how long the process can take.

At present, note that this post is not nearly the comprehensive approach used in multi-disciplinary memory clinics. Those clinics have extra time and staff, and are designed to provide an extra-detailed evaluation. This is especially useful for unusual cases, such as cerebral bug in people who are relatively young.

Instead, in this mail I'll be describing the pragmatic approach that I use in my clinical do. It is adapted to real-world constraints, meaning it tin be used in a primary care setting. (Although like many aspects of geriatrics, it's challenging to fit this into a 15 minute visit.)

Does this older person accept dementia, such equally Alzheimer'due south disease? To understand how I get about answering the question, let's start by reviewing the basics of what it ways to have dementia.

v Central Features of Dementia

A person having dementia ways that all five of the post-obit statements are true:

  • A person is having difficulty with one or more types of mental function. Although it's mutual for retentivity to be affected, other parts of thinking role tin exist dumb. The 2013 DSM-5 manual lists these half dozen types of cognitive function to consider: learning and memory, language, executive role, circuitous attention, perceptual-motor function, social cognition.
  • The difficulties are a decline from the person's prior level of ability. These tin't be lifelong bug with reading or math or even social graces. These problems should correspond a modify, compared to the person'south usual abilities equally an developed.
  • The problems are bad enough to impair daily life function. It'due south not enough for a person to have an abnormal event on an role-based cerebral test.  The problems too have to be substantial enough to affect how the person manages usual life, such equally work and family responsibilities.
  • The problems are not due to a reversible condition, such as delirium, or another reversible affliction. Common weather that can cause — or worsen — dementia-like symptoms include hypothyroidism, depression, and medication side-effects.
  • The issues aren't improve deemed for by some other mental disorder, such as low or schizophrenia.

Dementia — now technically known as "major neurocognitive disorder" — is a syndrome, or "umbrella" term; it's not considered a specific affliction. Rather, the term dementia refers to this drove of features, which is caused by some form of underlying impairment or deterioration of the brain.

Alzheimer's disease is the most common underlying cause of dementia. Vascular dementia (damage from strokes, which can be quite small) is besides common, equally is having two or more underlying causes for dementia. For more than on conditions that can cause dementia, see here.

What Doctors Need to Do To Diagnose Dementia

Now that we reviewed the five fundamental features of dementia, let's talk about how I — or another physician — might go about checking for these.

Basically, for each feature, the medico needs to evaluate, and document what she finds.

i. Difficulty with mental functions. To evaluate this, information technology'southward all-time to combine an office-based cognitive test with documentation of real-earth problems, as reported by the patient and by knowledgeable observers (eastward.1000 family, friends, assisted-living facility staff, etc.)

For cerebral testing, I more often than not use the Mini-Cog, or the MOCA. The MOCA provides more than data but it takes more time, and many older adults are either unwilling or unable to go through the whole test.

Completing office-based tests is of import because it's a standardized way to document cognitive abilities. Only the results don't tell the medico much about what'southward going on in the person's actual life.

So I always inquire patients to tell me if they've noticed any trouble with retentiveness or thinking. I likewise endeavor to get information from family unit members nearly whatever of the 8 behaviors that are common in Alzheimer'due south. Lastly, I make note of whether there seem to be whatever problems managing activities of daily living (ADLs) and instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs).

2. Refuse from previous level of ability. This characteristic can be hard for me to detect on my ain during a single visit. To certificate a decline in abilities, a doctor can interview other people, and/or document that she's reviewed previous cerebral assessments. I take also occasionally documented that a patient is currently unable to correctly perform a cognitive chore that is related to her career or teaching history. For instance, if a quondam accountant can no longer manage basic arithmetic, information technology's reasonable to assume this reflects a turn down from previous abilities.

three. Impairment of daily life office.This is another feature that can exist tricky to detect during a single visit, unless the patient is very dumb. I normally start by finding out what kinds of ADLs and IADLs help the person is getting, and what kinds of issues have been noted. This often means talking to at least a few people who know the patient.

Driving and managing finances crave a lot of mental coordination, so as dementia develops, these are often the life tasks that people struggle with first.

In some cases — commonly very early dementia — it can be quite hard to decide whether a person'south struggles have become  enough to qualify every bit "impairment of daily life function." If someone isn't taking his medication, is that just regular forgetfulness? Clashing feelings about the medication? Or actual impairment due to encephalon changes? If I'thousand not sure, and so I may certificate that the situation seems to be deadline, when information technology comes to impairment of daily life role.

4. Checking for reversible causes of cognitive harm. I mentally divide this stride into ii parts. First, I consider the possibility of delirium, a very mutual state of worse-than-usual mental office that'south frequently brought on past illness.  For case, I've noticed that older people are often mentally assessed during or afterward a hospitalization. Simply that's not a proficient fourth dimension to try to definitely diagnose dementia, considering many elders develop delirium when they are sick, and information technology can take weeks or even months to return to their previous level of mental office.

(My arroyo to considering dementia in older adults who are confused during or after hospitalization: Make a notation that they may have underlying dementia, and program to follow-up once the brain has had a chance to recover.)

After because delirium, I check to run into if the patient might have another medical problem that interferes with thinking skills. Common medical disorders that can touch on thinking include depression, thyroid issues, electrolyte imbalances, B12 deficiency, and medication side-effects. I also consider the possibility of substance abuse.

Checking for many of these causes of cognitive impairment requires laboratory testing, and sometimes additional evaluation.

If I do suspect delirium or another trouble that might cause cerebral impairment, I don't rule out dementia. That's because it'southward very common to have dementia along with some other problem that'due south making the thinking worse. Merely I exercise plan to reassess the person's thinking at a later date.

5. Checking for other mental disorders.This step can be a claiming. Depression is the well-nigh mutual mental health trouble that makes dementia diagnosis difficult. This is considering depression is not uncommon in older adults, and it can cause symptoms similar to those of dementia (such as aloofness, and poor attention). Nosotros also know that it'southward quite common for people to have both dementia and depression at the aforementioned time.

In many cases, at that place may be no like shooting fish in a barrel way to decide whether an older person's symptoms are depression, early dementia, or both. So sometimes we end up trying a class of low treatment, and seeing how the symptoms evolve over time.

It's also of import to consider the older person's mental health history. Paranoia and delusions are quite common in early on dementia, simply could be related to a mental health condition associated with psychosis, such every bit schizophrenia.

Is it Dementia or Mild Cognitive Damage?

Sometimes, when an older person is having memory problems or other cerebral issues, they end upward diagnosed with "balmy cognitive impairment."

Balmy cognitive damage (MCI) ways that a person's retention or thinking abilities are worse than expected for their age (this should be confirmed through office-based cognitive testing), but are not bad enough to impair daily life function.

The initial evaluations for MCI and dementia are basically the same: doctors demand to do a preliminary function-based cognitive evaluation, ask about ADLs and IADLs, look for potential medical and psychiatric problems that might exist affecting brain function, check for medications that touch on knowledge, and then forth.

I explain more about MCI in this article: How to Diagnose & Care for Mild Cognitive Impairment.

Merely remember: in practical terms, if an older person'due south memory bug have gotten bad enough that he can't grocery shop the way he used to, or she can no longer manage her finances on her own…those qualify as impairment in daily life function. And then, a diagnosis of "mild cognitive impairment" is probably not advisable for those cases.

Tin can Dementia Be Diagnosed During a Single Visit?

So can dementia be diagnosed during a unmarried visit? As you can run across from above, it depends on how much information is hands available at that visit. It also depends on the symptoms and circumstances of the older developed being evaluated.

Memory clinics are more probable to provide a diagnosis during the visit, or shortly afterwards. That'south considering they usually request a lot of relevant medical information ahead of time, send the patient for tests if needed, and interview the patient and a family unit member (or other knowledgeable "informant") extensively during the visit.

But in the primary care setting, and in my own geriatric consultations, I detect that clinicians need more than than ane visit to diagnose dementia or likely dementia. That's considering we ordinarily demand to order tests, request past medical records for review, and get together more information from the people who know the older person existence evaluated. Information technology's a bit like a detective's investigation!

Can Dementia exist Inappropriately Diagnosed in a Single Visit?

Sadly, yes. Although it's mutual for doctors to never diagnose dementia at all in people who have information technology, I take also come across several instances of busy doctors rattling off a dementia diagnosis, without fairly documenting how they reached this conclusion. (Information technology's also common for them to hardly certificate annihilation in terms of the older peron's cognitive state, other than "confused, didn't know date.")

Now, often these doctors are right. Dementia becomes common as people age, so if a family unit complains of memory problems and paranoia in an 89 year old, chances are quite high (at least 60%, according to UpToDate) that the older person has dementia.

Simply sometimes it's not. Sometimes it'southward slowly resolving delirium along with a brain-clouding medication. Sometimes it'south depression.

It is a major thing to diagnose someone with dementia. So although it'south not possible for an boilerplate doctor to evaluate every bit thoroughly as the retentivity clinic does, it'south important to document consideration of the five essential features of dementia that I listed above.

If You're Worried About Possible Alzheimer's or Dementia

Permit's say yous're like the man I spoke to recently, and y'all're worried that an older parent might have dementia. (Remember, nigh dementia is due to Alzheimer's or a similar underlying brain condition.) You're planning to accept a physician assess your parent. Hither's how y'all can help the process forth:

  • Obtain copies of your parent'due south medical information, and so you can bring them to the dementia evaluation visit. The most useful information to bring is laboratory results and whatsoever imaging of the brain, such as True cat scans or MRIs. See this postal service for a longer listing of medical information that is very helpful to bring to a new physician.
  • Write down worrisome behaviors and bug, and bring this documentation to the visit. Y'all can commencement with this listing of viii behaviors to track if you lot're concerned about Alzheimer's.
  • Consider who else might know how your parent has been doing and behaving recently: other family members? Close friends? Staff at the assisted-living facility?  Ask them to share their observations with you and jot down what they tell you. Share these notes, along with the names of the informants, with your parent's physician.
  • Be prepared to explain how your parent's abilities have changed from before.
  • Be prepared to explain how your parent is struggling to manage daily life tasks, such as work, firm chores, shopping, driving, or whatsoever other ADLs and IADLs.
  • Bring information near whatsoever recent hospitalizations or illnesses.
  • Bring information near whatsoever history of depression, depressive symptoms, or other mental illness history.

Past understanding what information technology takes to diagnose dementia, and by doing a piddling advance training when possible, you will meliorate your chances of getting the evaluation you demand, in a timely fashion.

And if yous have an aging parent who is refusing to get evaluated for memory loss or other concerning symptoms: my free online training for families (see below) covers how to become past this, and includes a nifty PDF summarizing what to say and not say to your parent who may take dementia.

This article was first published in 2015, and was last updated by Dr. Thousand in Apr 2022.


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