
How Much Money Can You Make On Social Seruity Disibility

Disability Pay More Than Social Security

Applying for Disability benefits has a reputation as a time-consuming and inefficient process. Consequently, many people entering their 60s who could potentially qualify for disability benefits may opt to simply elect for Social Security a couple of years early to avert the hassle. Notwithstanding, this strategy has the potential to cost you a lot of coin in the long run. Whether opting for disability would exist the more remunerative strategy will depend on your age. A financial advisor could assist you weigh the best options for your retirement goals.

Calculating Your Benefit Amount

The formula for computing your Social Security benefits and your disability benefits is exactly the same right upwards until the very end. Nosotros'll get into how information technology diverges in the side by side section, only for at present, we'll focus on the shared process.

The first stride is computing your average indexed monthly earnings (AIME). The Social Security Administration (SSA) will take your 35 highest-earning years into consideration. For each of those years, information technology volition index your income for inflation and include it up to the taxable maximum (the point at which you stop paying Social Security taxes). For tax year 2021, this indicate is $142,800. For tax twelvemonth 2022, the maximum rises to $147,000.

Adjacent, the SSA will add upwards these totals and divide to get your AIME. If you have more than 35 earning years, your everyman years will be excluded. If you take fewer than 35 earning years, the SSA volition include a $0 in the calculation for every yr you're short.

The final step is to summate your primary insurance amount (PIA) from your AIME. To calculate your PIA, the SSA will take a percentage of three different chunks of your AIME. The exact amount of these portions will differ slightly depending on the year y'all become disabled or turn 62. If you do either in 2021 the SSA will take ninety% of your start $996, 32% of the amount betwixt that and $half-dozen,002 and 15% of annihilation that remains. The total is your PIA.

When Does Disability Pay More than Than Social Security?

Disability Pay More Than Social Security

Your PIA is the amount yous'd receive if you lot were to qualify for inability benefits. It's not that uncomplicated with Social Security benefits, however. While you're technically eligible to begin taking Social Security benefits at age 62, you won't receive your PIA until your total retirement historic period (FRA), which will fall somewhere between 66 and 67. At 62, your do good amount would be only 70% of your PIA, increasing gradually until y'all reach your FRA.

Full Retirement Age
Year of Birth FRA
1943-1954 66
1955 66 and 2 months
1956 66 and 4 months
1957 66 and six months
1958 66 and 8 months
1959 66 and 10 months
1960 and later 67

This means that between 62 and your FRA, your disability benefit would be college. And there'south an additional do good to taking disability: By electing for disability instead of Social Security, you allow your Social Security benefit to continue growing.

This disparity is even greater if you lot happen to become disabled after you turn, say, 63. The reason hither is that your Social Security benefits volition be determined by your PIA for the year you turn 62, while your inability benefits would exist calculated with your PIA for the next yr. Provided your AIME is the same or higher, then your PIA for the later year will be higher.

When Does Social Security Pay More Inability?

The reverse of the in a higher place situation is true if you are between your FRA and age seventy. Afterwards yous reach your FRA, your Social Security do good corporeality increases by 0.8% for every month you lot concur off on claiming your benefits. This continues until yous reach 70, at which indicate your benefit reaches its maximum. In this situation, your monthly Social Security do good would be larger than your monthly disability benefit.

Lesser Line

Disability Pay More Than Social Security

It's easy to get lost in all the unlike acronyms and calculations that come up forth with Social Security benefits. All the same, if you're wondering if disability would pay more, just ask yourself where you are relative to your full retirement historic period.

If you're nether it, inability volition exist college. If you lot're above it, Social Security will be higher. Just like with whatsoever other Social Security issue, the way yous tin optimize your experience is past thoroughly understanding all of your options.

Tips for Navigating Social Security

  • A financial advisor can help you business relationship for the various sources of retirement income, including Social Security benefits. Finding a qualified financial counselor doesn't take to be hard. SmartAsset'due south gratis tool matches y'all with up to three financial advisors in your expanse, and you can interview your advisor matches at no cost to decide which one is correct for you. If you lot're ready to notice an advisor who tin can assistance yous accomplish your financial goals, become started now.
  • If you're applying for Social Security disability benefits, you'll demand to fill out form SSA-827. This provides your consent for the SSA and Disability Decision Services (DDS) to view your medical records.
  • Dealing with a disability, either temporary or permanent, is difficult plenty without considering the financial impact. Having an emergency fund in place for unpredictable things like this can be a huge relief.

Photo Credit: ©, © Mitchell, ©

Hunter Kuffel, CEPF® Hunter Kuffel is a personal finance writer with expertise in savings, retirement and investing. Hunter is a Certified Educator in Personal Finance® (CEPF®) and a member of the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing. He graduated from the University of Notre Dame and currently lives in New York Urban center.


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